Start-up Suggestions & Requirements
1. Ministry leader – a daily Mass person with some computer skills; preferably a deacon on retirement.
2. Co-Ministry leader – preferably the person in charge of the current exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
3. Get permission from the Pastor to start the pray group and also to extend the hours of exposition if necessary.
4. Put a notice in the Church bulletin about the new prayer group. (See sample bulletin notice for first month)
5. Tell the morning Mass people about the new pray group and ask them to join as the original members. This will be the prayer group beginning.
6. Start the Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, if possible, on a special day. (Making the future anniversaries special and something to remember)
7. Prepare the Membership Book for the first day the prayer group starts. (Including the membership cards and attendance sheet)
8. The Monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament should be exposed after Mass by the presiding priest with singing of O Salutaris Hostia.
9. It's important to let everyone know that it is not necessary to volunteer. And, it's OK to stay only for a few minutes or as long as desired.
10. At the prayer group beginning, because there are no volunteers to stay with the Blessed Sacrament, the ministry leaders must be available or have someone available to guarantee this situation. The Holy Spirit will take care of this need by inspiring members to fill the hours.
11. At the end of each week the Ministry Leader tallies the attendance sheets by number of visits, number of hours and number of new members. This information is then published in the Church bulletin to give all parishioners knowledge about the new prayer group and the hours of exposition. The bulletin notice also allows for a weekly comment about adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an invitation to join the prayer group. (See sample bulletin notice and weekly comment suggestions)
12. See page titled School Membership for Children and Faculity.
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to let him know you’re starting an Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament group at your church.